Note that there are a number of other operators such as Ooredoo in Myanmar which are also listed on this website. FONTOS, hogy minden egyes, a Telenor által forgalmazott mobiltelefon tartalmazza az internetezéshez és MMS küldéshez szükséges alapbeállításokat, tehát azokat külön nem kell beállítani. Amennyiben mégsem működnének ezek a szolgáltatások, természetesen lehetőség van ellenőrizni, módosítani a beállításokat. Try one by one until you get your internet working in your device. Telenor was the second mobile network in Pakistan to roll out the 3G and 4G LTE services for its customers.

Telenor is one of the top network providers in Pakistan that is providing mobile internet services over all the three 2G, 3G and 4G bandwidths. Telenor Group is an international telecommunications company that is headquartered in Norway. As of fourth quarter of last year,. My Telenor App A one stop solution to all your Telenor Pakistan Number related needs. Download now to enjoy ease of access and exciting offers!
Change others as below. Telenor Crna Gora pokriva cjelokupno stanovništvo Crne Gore brzim mobilnim Internetom i pomaže ljudima da iskoriste sve prednosti savremenih komunikacija. Settings for Telenor - Pakistan. APN name: Telenor My Call.

Press ADD on right top corner. If Android has already set values for Telenor WAP for any fields below leave them. Telenor is providing total three daily internet bundles for the users who have less demand and low budget. Let’s have a look on theses bundle! The table is categorized by country, network, access point name, user name and password.
We are trying to keep all data update so if you found some mistakes let us know. Användarnamn: Lämnas tom Lösenord: Lämnas tom. Gå till Inställningar och välj Mobilnätverk.
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